Subscribe For Free
"Thought for The Day" is a totally free service that brightens and inspires your days with attractive daily emails and information to help you plan your days and keep in touch with family and friends.
You can try our service for free for 30 days by clicking on the link below. You will start receiving your daily emails within 72 hours.
At the end of the trial period we will check with you by email to make sure you want us to continue the service. If not we will cease the service immediately, no questions asked.
You are naturally free to opt out earlier if you prefer, but our experience is that over 85% of all subscribers ask us to continue.
As you can imagine our subscribers are very important to us and we will never disclose your email address to any other party. Full details of our privacy, anti-spam and subscription policies can be accessed through the link below.
Introduce A Friend
Do you have a friend or colleague who would appreciate a free daily thought?
If so click on the link below and we will send them "Thought For The Day" completely free of charge, and without obligation, for 30 days.
At the end of that time we will check with them by email to ensure that they wish us to continue the service, still at no cost.
Furthermore, they are completely free to opt out at any time by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the foot of every email we send.
The number of people subscribing to "Thought For The Day" grows daily, and all newcomers receive a free copy of "Desiderata" by email when they join, irrespective of whether or not they continue as subscribers.
We would like to thank you in advance for any friends or colleagues you introduce and will send you a free copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by email as a token of our appreciation.
As you can imagine our subscribers are very important to us and we will never disclose subscribers' email addresses to any other party. Full details of our privacy, anti-spam and subscription policies can be accessed through the link below.